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Entries Tagged ‘Playstation 3’:

$20 Game of the Week: Demon’s Souls (PS3)

First off, I want to apologize. I know it’s been a while since the last $20 GOTW, but moving, along with an unwelcome hard drive failure have kept me busy. Thankfully now I’m back, and so is the $20 GOTW. Next week, I’ll have something even better. Anyway, with it’s spiritual successor hitting storeshelves next week, now is the perfect time to take a look at 2009’s sleeper hit, Demon’s Souls. Developed by From Software (Otogi, Armored Core, King’s Field), it’s noted for it’s punishing difficulty, deep RPG gameplay, and unique online modes.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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What are your Mass Effect 3 Predictions?

Pretend it’s Wednesday.

Got it? Great!

Now, pretend that everyone who wanted to play Mass Effect 2 on whatever major platform has now had a chance to do so since its release on PS3 “yesterday”. Never mind that the last 24 hours have hardly been enough time to get through a single playthrough, let alone multiple you may need to let the whole story seep into your pores. This author and videographer has (obviously) had significantly more time to digest everything that the first two Mass Effects have had to offer in order to bring you this predictions video!

Keep watching this space for our next KEEP PLAYING video about Mass Effect 2’s many, MANY romance options! And feel free to make your own predictions below.

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