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Entries Tagged ‘Marvel’:

Ultimates 2 #13 – 8 Page Spread

Ultimates 2 #13 - 8 Page Spread
Newarama reports that Ultimates 2 is finally heading to the printers, and that it’ll be in stores on May 16th. How late does that make it? 6 years? Anyway, there’s a massive 8 page spread in the book (take that, unweildly 3 page fold-out in JLA #7!), and you can click on the image to see it in all its gigantorness.


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Iron Man Movie First Suit Revealed

Courtesy IGN, we have the Stan Winston built suit for Iron Man. This is the first of many Iron Man suits the character Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr) will wear in the movie. Its highly reminiscent of the suit that first appeared in “Tales Of Suspense” where Iron Man was first published. The more familiar ketchup & mustard flavored suit will still be in the movie.

Directed by Jon Favreau, Iron Man is due May 2008.

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Cream of the Comics – 4/11/2007

New Avengers #29

New Avengers #29New Avengers #29
written by Brian Michael Bendis, art by Leinil Yu

New Avengers vs. Mighty Avengers

It’s been a big year for the Avengers, and between Mighty and New Avengers, Bendis has gotten plenty opportunity to write teams named Avengers. This Wednesday, Marvel’s two powerhouse teams come head to head, and lucky us, we get to see Leinil Yu show off his awesome pencils as the two teams duke it out.

Honestly, I don’t know what more to say about this. It’s New Avengers vs. Mighty Avengers. Either you’re excited already, or you’re never going to be. (Also, Leinil Yu is awesome!) Chell the preview below. Alright, I’m out.

New Avengers #29 - Page 1 New Avengers #29 - Pages 2 & 3 New Avengers #29 New Avengers #29 - "Uh-oh" New Avengers #29 - Page 7

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EXCLUSIVE – Future Marvel Comics Storylines Revealed!

We here at Powet have come across a news source which has exclusively supplied us with a number of upcoming Marvel storylines! In fact, I can personally PROMISE you proof of these upcoming stories from Marvel:

  • Daredevil: Agent of SHIELD!
  • Wolverine vs. Hulk… To the death… OF BOTH OF THEM?
  • AND THEN, Wolverine comes back… as a vampire!
  • The Surfer is Galactus’s herald for now… Until he’s replaced by Dazzler!
  • The new Thor series puts the hammer in the hands of someone new: Rogue!
  • When Punisher becomes the new Captain America… Venom will become the new Punisher!

All the proof you could ask for AND MORE … After the jump!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Spider-Man 3 News Roundup

Spider-Man 3 - Wide Images
Remember that recently released “final” trailer? Well, turns out it wasn’t so final after all. Less than a week later, they’ve released a new international trailer. It’s mostly recycled footage from previous stuff, but there’s a couple brief villain-centric scenes that haven’t been shown before. Check it out, in all its Windows Media Player streaming glory, in flavors hi-res, med-res, and lo-lo-lo-res. This is great, because what we really need right now is four hundred trailers for the film. Splice them together, and you almost won’t have to go to the movie.

Keep on after the jump for new wide images, Venom design notes, and why China gets the movie before North America. (Huh. So much for my trailer-splicing plan – looks like Chinese bootlegs will be the way to go.)
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Spider-Man 3 Images

Spider-Man 3 - Sandman
Film Ick has been rocking the Spider-Man 3 images over the past couple days. You can find some set shots and “New Goblin” design images here, and – more interestingly – they also have Gwen Stacy and Sandman images here, which we’ve mirrored for your viewing pleasure:

Spider-Man 3 - Sandman Spider-Man 3 - Gwen Stacy
Mirrored from Film Ick

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Iron Man Movie Filming Updates

Iron Man Movie
About a week back Jon Favreau announced that he’d finished the first week of filming, and that he was “looking forward to getting out of the ‘cave.’ The first few weeks of shooting are spent, somewhat in sequence, establishing Stark’s captivity. It sets the table tonally for the rest of the film.” recently updated with some photos from the exterior of this “cave” set, and we’ve got a couple of them mirrored here to give you an idea of what it looks like.

Entrance to the "cave" Camp entrance... or exit... or something like that

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Final Spider-Man 3 Trailer, Direct Links Ahoy!

Spider-Man 3 Final Trailer
The new, “FINAL Spider-Man Trailer” launched today, and while Comcast is doing a craptastic job of making you sort through their frustrating flash-designed sites – like mice hunting through the maze for our piece of cheese – we here at Powet are providing you direct links to the real movie files, not to those fake “.qtl” redirect files. So get downloading and enjoy yourself some HD Spider-Man 3 trailers!

Final Spider-Man 3 Trailer – 480p (actually 118 MB, not 91)
Final Spider-Man 3 Trailer – 720p (actually 145 MB, not 113)

Also, though it seems largely unavailable online anywhere, there’s a specific Spider-Man 3 trailer only playing before showings of 300 in certain locations… but not all of them, for some reason. Fortunately, the fine folks at managed to get a bootlegged version for the world to see. Yes, it’s shaky, and yes, it’s dark – it’s a bootleg, remember? If Sony would just release it online, there wouldn’t even be this headache for us to find it, now would there. Here’s the video itself:

Uploaded by Xplic1T

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