Take a classic style Super Mario Bros. game, switch Mario with Peach and what do you get? Super Princess Peach.
In a terribly obvious role reversal we see Mario get kidnapped (by a goomba of all things) and Peach now tasked with the role of saving him. Pretty basic concept that one would expect to produce an inferior style title. But no! This game is solid. It really does play just like a an old school Mario Bros. game. This game is what I was hoping New Mario Bros. would turn out to be like. So why are all the fanboys out there drooling over New Mario Bros. without giving this one a shot? … maybe they just don’t want to look gay like some guys who always choose Peach in Super Mario Bros. 2? I bet they don’t have such reservations about playing Metroid!
So basically you’ve got peach walking around in a world which looks kind of like Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World and a bit of Yoshi’s Island tossed into it without having that ugly looks like it was drawn with crayon style Yoshi’s Island had. She doesn’t use standard power ups but instead uses her emotions to fly, cry on enemies, burn things or heal. You can also purchase power ups with the coins you collect in levels to do things like tricks with your super parasol to get through levels. The object of the game is to rescue 3 hidden Toads in each stage and then fight a boss at the end of each world. This plays out pretty well because, through the use of your special abilities, there’s quite a variety of ways in which the Toads can be hidden. While the game starts out as being quite simple it picks up in difficulty soon enough. While not a terribly difficult game the maze like levels do offer a challenge reminiscent of later levels in Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World. The bosses all require little tricks to beat in the style of a Yoshi’s Island or Super Mario Sunshine boss. This keeps things interesting.
Simply put I recommend this game to anyone with an appreciation for side scrolling Mario games who wants to try something new.
Now check out the official site which has tons more content then your average game’s official site. And it’s just bizarre stuff like t-shirt designs and a little app to make a fake magazine. Nintendo.com also has a nice page for the game put together.