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Entries Tagged ‘Hideo Kojima’:

New Metal Gear – Survive

While Hideo Kojima may have had parted ways with the studio and the series he helped make famous, that hasn’t stopped Konami from making new Metal Gear titles. Metal Gear Survive is a multiplayer co-op shooter with survival horror elements. Taking place after the ending to Ground Zeroes, MGS puts players in the role of a former Motherbase soldier who was sent into another dimension after the attack on the oil rig. In this new dimension, players will be besieged by zombie-like creatures as they fight for survival. In short, Konami is basically making Metal Gear Solid: Umbrella Corps. Hey, it might be insane enough to work. At any rate, Survive is an appropriate subtitle for this game, as it’s success and reception will determine if the franchise can survive without Hideo Kojima’s involvement. The game will be arriving in 2017 for PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.

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$20 Game of the Week: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC)


Next Tuesday, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Kojima Productions’ swan song, hits both current and last gen systems. As of right now, you’ve got 4 more days to experience, or revisit, this prologue. And experience it you should too, because it will introduce players to the new direction that the series is going in, or at least would have gone in had not Konami axed Hideo Kojima.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Silent Hills Canceled, Playable Teaser to be Removed from PSN


It would have been a dream collaboration, not to mention a desperately needed shot in the arm for the survival horror franchise: A Silent Hill title co-produced by Kojima Productions and Director/Writer/Producer Guillermo del Toro (Blade II, Pacific Rim, Hellboy). Sadly, it will remain to be just that, a dream. Hideo Kojima confirmed that he would be leaving Konami after the release of September’s Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, leaving the status of the project in the air. Sadly, it was confirmed via the twitter accounts of both actor Norman Reedus and Del Toro this past weekend that Silent Hills is indeed canceled. To add further insult to injury, PS4 owners will have until this Wednesday to download the playable teaser from the PSN store. Never before has a cancellation been so heartbreaking since Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe a few years ago. Sadly, this isn’t the first time Del Toro was involved with a video game project that fell through; the title Insane was canceled in 2012 when would-be publisher THQ went bankrupt. Of course no doubt Konami will continue the Silent Hill series at some point. However, it will remain to be seen if anything Konami comes up would be as grand as what Kojima and Del Toro had planned for the series. If there is a bright spot in this whole fiasco, then there is a possibility that Del Toro and Kojima can take their talents to another company.

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SDCC 2011: Risk gets the MGS Treatment

Konami has certainly been bossing-up their Metal Gear Solid regiment at this year’s Comic-Con, what with game producer Hideo Kojima making an appearance, and this little tidbit certainly shows that with a release of the board game “Risk” all dressed up in a MSG attire.

From Kojima’s Twitter feed –

“MGS” version of the board game “RISK” from Hasbro has been released. There were some products displayed at their booth, and logo bandana was provided.

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