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Entries Tagged ‘delay’:

Zelda Wii U and Slips into 2017, NX Version Arriving As Well

Today Nintendo announced that The Legend of Zelda Wii U would be delayed until March 2017, and will launch alongside a version of the game for its upcoming NX system. Although we’ll know more about the upcoming Zelda game at this year’s E3, we won’t hear any details about the forthcoming NX system. This is no doubt a dissappointment for Wii U owners, as besides Pokken Tournament, the lackluster Star Fox Zero, and the forthcoming Persona/Fire Emblem crossover Tokyo Mirage Sessions ?FE, there isn’t a whole lot to look forward to for the system this year. This is reminicent of the GameCube/Wii transition, then the hyped up Gamecube Zelda title (which would eventually become known as the Twilight Princess) would up being a Wii launch title. Nevertheless, we’ll be looking forward to learning about the new Zelda game.

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Duke Nukem Forever Delayed, One More Time!

The game most of us thought would never come out finally had a release date and was nearing completion.

May 3rd was the big day for Duke Nukem Forever, after over a decade in development with multiple studios and publishers. Now, Gearbox Software is pushing it back one more time to June 10 in the US.

There are no words. Another delay shouldn’t surprise us. Here we are. I’m still going to play it when it comes out, whenever that day eventually comes.

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