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Movie Posters: Oblivion

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$20 Game of the Week: Dungeon Hearts (PC, iOS)


Dungeon Hearts is a puzzle/RPG hybrid. Playing as a group of heroes, you set out to defeat an evil entity. Instead of traditional turn-based combat however, you attack by matching 3 tiles. By matching up colors, you create gems which you use to attack enemies. Different types of tiles come into play as you make your way through each battle. While the game is easy enough in the first few levels, it gets harder as more types of tiles are introduced, and the playing field gets increasingly hectic. There isn’t much in the way of replay value if you can finish the game, but the battles are randomly generated, and there are 4 different soundtracks to unlock. If you have an iPad, you’ll definitely want to play that version, as it’s touch-screen controls will be easier on your hands than a mouse. While Dungeon Hearts is a bit on the short side, at $3, the price is right.

Man of Steel third trailer released

The new Man of Steel trailer has been released. We some bits or origin, some bits of Zod, and a whole lot of voiceover. I think this is the best of the trailers so far. The others really seemed to lack external conflict.

Are you excited? Disappointed? Let us know in the comments!

Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill as Superman and is set for release on June 14, 2013.

INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us – Opening Cinematic revealed

The opening cinematic for DC Entertainment’s INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us game has been revealed courtesy of GameStop’s youtube channel. INJUSTICE is scheduled for release on April 16th, just three days away.

Lost Classics: Sonic and Knuckles (Sega Genesis)


Sonic and Knuckles was the last good Sonic game for the Sega Genesis, and it was released at the height of the 16-bit era. It was basically an expansion pack for Sonic 3, although it could be played by itself. Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles were originally intended to be one game (as a matter of fact, if you do the level select code in Sonic 3, you can hear music from the stages in Sonic and Knuckles, and McDonalds featured a promo based on Sonic 3 that mentioned the Flying Battery Zone, a level which wasn’t seen in the game). However, time constrains reared their ugly head, and Sonic 3 was cut down to 6 zones. However, this turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as we got 2 awesome Sonic games in the same year, and S&K utilized a pretty cool feature.
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Justin Severson Classes Up Revision 3’s downLOADED

Our very own, very dapper Justin paid a visit to Revision3’s downLOADED to chat about the respective demises of LucasArts and Roger Ebert, airlines charging you for being too fat, and some other stuff that’s pretty interesting. (Promise!)

Also, here’s a video of him stuffing Teddy Grahams into his mouth:

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$20 Game of the Week: Infinity Blade (IOS)


Releasing in late 2010, Infinity Blade was a very significant game for the mobile market, especially the iPad. It was the first mobile game that made use of the Unreal Engine 3. With a serious graphical powerhouse engine behind it, tablet systems would be on their way to being taken seriously as gaming devices. The game itself isn’t too shabby either. It provides an experience that is best suited towards mobile devices, although it tends to get a bit repetitious.
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Maximum Letdown: Dead Island (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

deadislandLet me make this clear. I don’t hate this game. It’s not even all that bad. My disappointment in this game comes from two main sources. First of all, I hate zombies. How many more times do I have to see them in every single form of media? Now I like Resident Evil and Left 4 Dead as much as the next man, and I get a kick out of Plants vs Zombies. Lately however, every other game, movie, book, novel, and TV show has a tendency to ram the undead down our throats. If it ain’t about banding together to kill the undead hordes and escape, it’s about survival and scavenging supplies. If it ain’t about survival, it’s about how the living are even more dangerous than the undead. Many times it’s all three. Now I can appreciate when a medium of entertainment can do something different with the medium, i.e Zombies mode in Black Ops or Undead Nightmare in Red Dead Redemption. I kinda hoped Dead Island would do the same. Sadly, besides a few nifty ideas here and there, this game does little.

The second reason? See for yourself after the jump
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