The Doctor Who BBC Website reports that Doctor Who will indeed be continuing into its fifth year in 2010.
2010? Wait, let’s do a little math….
Series 3 just wrapped up this spring, with a Christmas Special to follow in December. Series 4 begins in spring of 2008 with much the same formula as this and the previous two years. So what’s going on in 2009?
Doctor Who is going “part-time” after Series 4 with three television specials starring current Doctor, David Tennant. Even with Who on semi-break, spin-offs such as Torchwood should be going in full force. But what’s the reason for this decision? Is Tennant on his way out after four years?
Additionally, 2008 is Doctor Who’s 45th anniversary. In the past, these anniversary years have seen multiple-Doctor specials. Here’s hoping we see Sylvester McCoy and Christopher Eccleston (or even Peter Davison!) reprising their roles, as well as Paul McGann in his first BBC Who appearance.
A fan can dream, can’t he?
2007 has been a big year for Doctor Who. Take a look back at January when we broke the oncoming Doctor Who Explosion news. Also, Series 3 is currently just past the mid-point in its run on the Sci Fi Channel — check it out!