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SDCC 2010: Star Trek Toys and Replicas

Star Trek is a perennial brand that is usually ever present at Comic-Con, but there wasn’t a whole lot on display.

Diamond Select Toys

Retro Cloth Figures and Klingon Bird of Prey
DST had some figures on display from their Star Trek Cloth Figure line, TOS Pike, the Salt Vampire, Nurse Chapel and what looks to be the Orion Slave Girl.

sdcc2010_dst_ST_ClothFigs DST_Klingon_Ship

Roddenberry Replicas
This is a new company that I’ve never heard of before but they have a wide offering of replicas mostly based on the original Star Trek series.
Michael Crawford has an excellent gallery of this booth’s offerings here.

Hallmark had all their holiday ornaments on display including a few Star Trek ones.
You can see a full gallery here.

sdcc2010_hallmark_ship_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_Kirk_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_mindmeld_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_amoktime_MCW

Vinyl figures
Some exclusive Star Trek inspired Vinyl figures were on sale at the show. More on that here.

Thats about all I could find for Star Trek. Pretty poor showing this year.

“I Love Hoe Bags” Shirt in Wizards of Waverly Place

I love hoe bags shirt

I spotted this shirt in an episode of the Disney TV show “Wizards of Waverly Place” earlier this week. Here we have Selena Gomez’s character Alex Russo wearing an interesting shirt. It’s hard to see what the full text on this shirt says but from the two shorts scenes it’s shown in the only visible letters for the most part read “I <3 Hoe Bags".

Selena Gomez expresses her love of hoe bags

Selena Gomez expresses her love of hoe bags

Alex Russo loves hoe bags I love ho bags

Is this specific shirt placement intentional? It seems like quite an oversight to have half a shirt’s message obstructed from view in a well assembled outfit on the show’s main character but this could just be a coincidence. The text of the full shirt is “I <3 Shoes, Bags & Boys“. I don’t know that this message is terribly well reflected in a show that doesn’t really focus on a girl’s love of bags that much. No shortage of shoes and boys though…

If you’re looking for the episode in which this shirt appears it’s the 5th episode of season 2, “Alex’s Brother Maximan” in which Justin builds a robot, Max dresses up as a superhero to fight crime and Alex has a date with Dean at the skate park. The shirt appears around the middle of the episode.

Powet Monthly Digest – June 2010

PowetcastJune was another busy month for the site! Not only did we bring you FIVE new videos and FOUR podcasts, we had more text features and news posted than any month this year so far!

We set the bar pretty high for a 30 day month, so we’ll see how we do in July, or if we’ll succumb to summer vacations and lounging by the powet pool.

Here is a run down of what you might have missed, which you’ll have plenty of time to catch up on this holiday weekend (Independence Day, Canada Day, Twlight Eclipse Day)

PowetToys: MOTUC Battle Cat
Famicom Dojo Season 2: Sega Power Base Converter
Powet.TV: Convention Hygiene
Powet Robots: Silent Running
Powet Presents: Botcon 2010 Hall of Fame
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Marvel Announces TV Division Run By Jeph Loeb

Jeph Loeb, the comic writer responsible for successful runs on Batman, Superman, The Avengers, and other characters has been appointed the head of a new TV division of Marvel Entertainment. He’ll be in charge of seeing Marvel comics characters translated to TV in both animated and live action formats, as well as direct to DVD movies.

Loeb is no stranger to TV, having been a contributing writer to Heroes, Smallville, and Lost in recent years. He’s been under exclusive contract with Marvel since 2005.

Now lets get this out of the way: Loeb is a mixed bag. Yeah, he’s written some legit classics like The Long Halloween, but he’s also gotten some of the most vocal critical lashing I’ve ever heard on a comic writer. Still, he’s familiar with both side of this business and perhaps as a creative director and executive producer he can be more effective than he was on Heroes or The Ultimates.

What do you think? Is now the time to turn X-Men or The Punisher into a weekly live action series? I think it is!

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty TV Commercial

Were you watching the NBA finals last night? Did you see the Celtics take it to the Lakers? You might have also seen the first TV commercial for Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty. Check it out! Kerrigan is back!

Video Games Live To Air On PBS This Summer

Check your local listings, PBS is bringing Video Games Live home.

After five years of fan demand, VGL will release a DVD and PBS will exclusively air 90 minutes of it this summer. As part of the PBS Pledge Drive, The Video Games Live DVD, Blu Ray, and CD will only be available via PBS through November 1. This will be a great chance to support public television in your community and get a sweet DVD while you’re at it. Thats a lot better than a tote bag!

Dates will vary from city to city and station to station depending on when your local PBS station will run its pledge drive, so definitely keep an eye on the schedule. Video Games Live will run from July 31 through the month of August.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Alphabet: W is for The Wire

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

wireOkay, so while this week’s Powet Alphabet isn’t STRICTLY for geeks, it is just as relevant to geekdom as Transformers, Sailor Moon, X-men, or Street Fighter.  The Wire was an HBO series that ran from 2002 until 2008.  It was created by writers Dave Simon and Ed Burns.  Simon’s previous works, the tv series Homicide: Life on the Street (based on the novel of the same name) and the HBO miniseries The Corner (which he collaborated with Burns on) served as testing grounds for many of the concepts explored on the Wire.  Although it never got the viewership it deserved, it was critically acclaimed amongst fans from nearly every walk of life, and was even declared to be ‘The best show on television”.  The Wire is one of those works of fiction which has something to offer everyone.  Geeks will appreciate the intricate multi-layered plot, the cool kids will appreciate the hardcore gang members, many of which closely resemble or are inspired by real-life celebrities, parents will appreciate the underlying messages that the show conveys, political heads, both liberal and conservative will appreciate the show’s political commentary, and even the gay and lesbian communities will love the prominent roles that homosexual characters have on the show.  Click below to read more.  Just a fair warning, this article contains some spoilers, although I’ve tried to keep them to a minimum.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Cool Beans: LOST Series Finale Edition

coolbeanslost An extensive look back at the series that redefined network television. We discuss and dissect the final episode, compare island philosphies, and examine six years of great (and godawful!) storytelling. Spoilers abound, but you knew that anyway!

Direct Link: Cool Beans: LOST Series Finale Edition

Audio Netcast Details
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