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Man of Steel trailer #2

Here is the second Man of Steel teaser. We’ve been seeing teaser images and trailers for this since mid-2011. I was hoping to see more than this. Heavy on voiceover, light on action. I’m sure a lot of people are excited over this, but I’m not. Not yet, at least.

Movie Posters: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Just a note: There were 39 posters in all here. The wide ones were quite large, so I made them fit in this post, but if you click on them, you will get the full size versions in all their glory.

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The Powet Top 5 – Top 5 Mustaches in Science Fiction Movies

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Now that Movember has come and gone for 2012, I figured a look back at some of the best mustaches in science fiction film was warranted. Initially, this seemed a daunting task to come up with five, but as I started talking to others, more and more candidates came to light. Its almost a shame I had to limit the list to five. But five there are. Join us after the jump for the Top 5 mustaches in science fiction film!

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Star Trek Into Darkness teaser trailer

The first trailer for the new Star Trek Into Darkness has hit the web. It sure looks like a lot of action, but I’m not really sure what is going on. Also, is that blonde woman Nurse Chapel? I sure hope so!

Let us know what you think of the trailer in the comments!

Movie Posters: Trailer War

Bryan Singer tweets, we listen – Sir Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen return to X-Men for Days of Future Past

It was no secret that Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy were returning for the X-Men First Class sequel, X-Men: Days of Future Past. They will be reprising their roles as younger Charles Xavier and Magneto, along with Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique and Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast. To many a fan’s delight, Bryan Singer tweeted today with the announcement that Sir Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen would be reprising their roles as older Professor X and Magneto, respectively.

Thrilled to announce @ianmckellen118 & @SirPatStew are joining the cast of #XMEN #DaysOfFuturePast #magneto #professorX More to come…

Days of Future Past was a pivotal two-issue story arc that swapped a current day X-Men, Kitty Pryde, with her older self from the future. As we follow the younger Pryde in the future, we find a timeline where nearly all but a handful of mutants have been wiped out. The future Pryde in the present (follow that?) has to stop events from taking place in the current day to prevent that apocalyptic future.

From the casting, it seems a safe bet that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen will be playing the Professor X and Magneto in that future timeline, while Fassbender and McAvoy will be the younger versions in the ‘present day’. What I want to know is, who will be the time-hopping X-Man? Also, if we are going into the future, do we get a Fantastic Four tie-in by seeing Franklin Richards? Fox owns the movie rights for both X-Men and the Fantastic Four, so in theory they could use that character.

Movie Posters: Rise of the Guardians

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Movie Posters: Skyfall

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