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$20 game of the week: God of War (PS2)

god of war.jpg This is Sony’s answer to Ninja Gaiden. A hyperactive button masher with simple puzzles and upgradable weapons and abilities that’s hyper violent and relentless in it’s presentation. You play as Kratos, a really pissed off guy with two blades grafted to his arm. Your mission is to kill Aries, the god of war. Throughout the game you encounter many souped up versions of mythological greek figures such as the minotaur, hydra, and Medusa. Also of note are several action sequences which require you to keep your finger on the control pad not unlike Resident Evil 4. Following the sequence properly can lead to a really big payoff. For action fans with a PS2, this is a must buy for the system, especally since a sequel is coming early next year.

$20 game of the week: Dead or Alive Ultimate (Xbox)

The Dead or Alive series has never been as deep as the Soulcaliburs or the Tekkens of the 3-d fighting wolrd, but it’s interactive environments, Tag team gameplay, and it’s ‘fan service’ has always bought it a unique flavor. Dead or alive ultimate is a double package of both DOA 1 (saturn version, never before released in the US) and DOA2 (with a new intro, costumes, and backgrounds) and throws it together with online play. THis two pack is perfect for Xbox owners looking to pass the time until they pick up DOA 4 on 360.

$20 game of the week: Final fantasy – Dawn of Souls (GBA)

ff12.jpgIn late 2004, Squaresoft released this 1-cart compiliation of the orgins of it’s flagship FInal fantasy series, complete with new graphical upgrades to update the look to the 16-bit games in the series. These match the similarily packed Final fantsy origins, released for the original Playstation a few years back. Even though there are no prerendered sequences in this version (obviously) the new features such as 4 new random dungeons in FF 1 (featuring familiar bosses from other titles in the Final Fantasy series), and an all new subchapter in Final fantasy 2 (featuring the characters who have died during the main game) more than make up for it. Both titles allow you to save anywhere,making them perfect for long trips. Although they are difficult and as old school as they come (complete with random encounters), they are the perfect trip back in time for old school RPG fans.

$20 game of the week: Destroy all Humans (xbox, PS2)

destroyallhumans.jpgOut of all the Games that have adopted GTA’s free roaming design, only 3 really stand out from the pack. Spiderman 2, Mercenaries, and Destroy all Humans, the latter 2 designed by the same company, Pandemic. You play as Crypto, an alien looking to conquer an alternate 1950’s America chock full of paranoia and innuendo. You use different gadgets and powers such as an anal probe, flying saucer, and telekenesis (Throwing around cows is always fun). The game is fun, and silly, and it proves that the GTA formula dosen’t always have to be about drive bys and prostitutes. My only regret is that the game is too short and there is nothing much to keep you playing afterwards.

$20 game of the week: Crimson Skies

crimson skies.jpgBefore Halo 2 came along, this was the biggest game on Xbox live, and it’s still one of the favorites of many Xbox live gamers.  It’s a flight simulator, but it’s so easy to pick up and play.  The single player campaign isn’t bad either, taking you through an alternate reality 1920s.  Really, it’s there to give you a taste of the different planes, and there isn’t much of a reason to go back after you beat it once.  THere is also plenty of downloadable content for use in multiplayer.  Hopefully Microsoft will bless up with a sequel.

$20 dollar game of the week: FUll spectrum warrior (xbox, PC, PS2)

fsw.jpgForget for a minute about the reasons why the US sent it’s troops to a foreign country, and think about what happens when they get there.  Full Spectrum Warrior does this exactly.  Created as a training simulator for the US army, this game allows players to direct two squads of military soldiers in combat.  You’ll learn how to flank, supress, and outwit the enemy, and keeping your men alive is a crucial part of the game.  It has two downloadable levels via Xbox live, and the actual US army version, with even more complicated tatics is hidden on this disc as a secret code.  A sequel is due out later this spring, so check this one out and get your practice.

$20 game of the week: Killer 7 (Gamecube, Ps2)

killer7.JPGYeah, I know I’m late, but I’m dealing with a crippling bout of Pharynghitis, (in other words, I’m under the weather) so don’t sue me. Anyway, Gamecube owners craving some serious M-rated action have very few venues to turn to, (including rare’s Eternal Darkness and Midway’s Mortal Kombat Deception) and even fewer that are exclusive to the system. THis is also on PS2, but it once began life as a member of the ‘Capcom 5’, 5 gamecube games from Capcom that would hopefully breathe life into the system. SInce the announcement, the first game flopped miserably, the second did quite well, even spawning a sequel and a few spinoffs…also ported to PS2, the third was cancelled altogether, and the fourth was one of 2005’s top games, if not the top game of 2005 (and was also ported to PS2). This is the fifth, and not only does it succeed at being one of the more grown up games available for the system, it’s also one of the most outright weirdest games available, from it’s unconventional control scheme, to it’s oddball plot, involving a man with an afro, an elementary school, a child organ harvester, a power rangers-esqe superhero team, and crazy, even if somewhat predictable plot twist. Although there is little replay value, the zany plot alone makes it’s worth the $20 dollars. For kicks, there is an excellent plot analysis available on

$20 Game of the Week: Kingdom Hearts (Ps2)

kingdomhearts.jpgIn 2001, the last thing anyone would even think of is Squaresoft collaborating with Disney. A year later however, Square would shatter all of our expectations. This action RPG teams up Disney’s superstars such as Aladdin and Ariel with Final fantasy heroes such as Squall and Cloud in a cross company extravaganza rivaled only by the Marvel vs Capcom games. Playing as a young boy names Sora, you meet Donald, Goofy, and tons of other famous Disney characters in your quest to save your friends from a strange group of creatures called the Heartless. Your journey will take you to worlds based on several different Disney films, such as Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and Alice in Wonderland. The attacks and magic are easy to use, and the Final Fantasy-style summon attacks cleverly make use of Disney characters such as Simba, Dumbo, and Mushu. This game is a hit for RPG fans of all ages, regardless of weather or not you’re a fan of Disney movies. A sequel is due any day now, and it will feature even more Final Fantasy and Disney mash-ups. Also a sequel is out on the Gameboy advance as well. If you haven’t picked this up by now, you need to go do it.

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