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Check out our new sister site

Sailor Moon News banner is happy to announce our latest site Sailor Moon News. We’ve always been happy to bring you all the best in Sailor Moon content here at but now that there’s a new Sailor Moon anime planned for next summer the time seemed right to launch a dedicated Sailor Moon site.

Check us out at the new site, tell your friends and give us some feedback to tell us what kind of stuff you’d like to see more of.

Luna using a computer

TGS 2007: From the Press Room

Game blog Kotaku caught our globe-trotting reporter SeanOrange unawares. Luke Plunkett snapped this photo.
To be fair, the time difference from the states to Japan is pretty big. Its the middle of the night when this picture was taken. I’m sure when he awakens from his slumber, he’ll have loads of gaming news for us all. In the mean time, some shut eye.

Source: Tender Press Room Moment: Sleepy Time and also on 4CR
Thanks to Joe for the link!

The Great Powet Outage of September 2007

For the regular readers, you may have noticed the site has been down for the better part of the past two days.

The reason for this was that we were served with a DMCA copyright infringement letter from an internet investigator on the behalf of Microsoft. Last month, we posted a leaked copy of the Halo 3 manual (which several commenters exclaimed that it had to be a fake). All seven of these images were listed in the email specifically by filename. Our host, who received this letter, shut the site down. When we got in contact with the host, they forwarded the letter to us. After reading the letter and getting back in touch with our host we were given a 5 hour window today to remove all traces of the images from our site.

We have done so and the site has been restored.

We are going to further review the policies of our host regarding further instances such as these and based on that, make a decision to move to a new host or not. While we are willing to comply with letters such as these when they are valid, we are more than discontented that the host decided to shut our site down for such a length of time without any type of notice before, or during the outage, until we were forced to reach out to them.

I have copied the infringement letter after the jump.

But first, Zac made a couple videos about the fall and rise of Powet.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Flux

The Powet forums are down, as I’m sure you’ve discovered by now.

While we work to get them back up, Shwiggie was kind enough to set us up with a temporary forum here.

Check back here for updates, or on the temporary forum.

We’re also working on getting the normal layout back for the front page.


FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Photo Gallery added

Now that I have all the minotaurs from the 7th Kingdom series from the Four Horsemen, I took the opportunity to put together a photo gallery. Its far from professional, but it gives you a good look at the figures, their posability, and their accessories. I tried to have a little fun with it and give each minotaur a little personality by differing up their poses and weapons. The accessories give credit to a wide range of options with some mixing and matching of the halberd, spear and flag.

You can see the gallery by clicking here:
FANtastic Exclusive 2006 Minotaurs

Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea

For more information on the FANtastic Exclusives for 2006, check out this edition of PowetToys.

Powet ON

deathstar.jpgRegular readers might’ve noticed that the site went offline without notice yesterday afternoon, and then looked kinda messed up until a few minutes ago.

This was completely my fault, and I promise to read the instructions on how to upgrade wordpress before I erase the entire site again.

As always, I encourage all to stop by the Powet Forum and if you notice anything weird about the site not working, report it in my I broke the site thread.

Now you may cower at the sight of this fully operational powet station.

The New Forum!

I’m proud to announce the new community.

Register today!

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