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Spider-Man 3 Movie Review

Spider-Man 3

Gargoyles Comic Number 4 Review

Gargoyles Comic #4

Gargoyles Comic #4

$20 Game of the Week: Mega Man Powered Up (PSP)

mmpwdup.jpgConstant re-releases of Street Fighter 2 notwithstanding, Capcom shows us how to do a remake the right way. (Check Maverick Hunter X and the Gamecube Resident Evil for proof.) With that said, what better game to remake than the beginning of one of the most classic and recognizable franchises in gaming? Mega Man Powered Up is a remaking of the original NES Mega Man, complete with new polygonal graphics, a remixed soundtrack, two new boss characters, and even a level editor! Players can either play in original mode (the original Mega Man with new graphics) or remixed mode, which adds in new bosses, different level layouts (even the old weapons won’t work on who they originally worked on), different item placements, and the ability to play as the bosses. There are also several unlockables to be found, and when you get tired, you can create your own stages in the level editor and upload them online. If you can get past the ultra-cutesy look, you’ll find the ultimate update to one of the greatest games in history.

Cutie Honey Movie Review

Cutie Honey
A very sexy review of the Cutie Honey movie and DVD.

Purchase either just the movie or the super lunch box set
Cutie Honey DVD . Cutie Honey Lunch Box DVD

Lost Classics: Quiz and Dragons (Arcade, PS2, PSP, Xbox)

qad.pngThis week’s Lost Classics and $20 GOTW are dedicated to the casual gamer. You know, your mom, dad, grandparents, or girlfriend. They may like video games, but may not be into them as much as you are, so here is a little something for them. These games may not reinvent the wheel, but they’re guaranteed to be fun for the whole family. So with no further ado, lets get it started with this little RPG/Board Game Hybrid, in which you must defeat the evil dragons and their minions by answering their quizzes. Get it? Quiz and Dragons!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

$20 Game of the Week: Capcom Puzzle World (PSP)

cpw.jpgCapcom isn’t particularly known for puzzle games, but the few they have put out are pretty solid. This is a small collection of 5 puzzle games great for quick bouts of portable gaming. Included in this package are Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (a Dr. Mario-esque game in which you play as super deformed versions of Street Fighter and Darkstalkers characters), Block Block (a good break out clone that was featured on Capcom Classics Reloaded), and the Buster Brothers Collection (three games where you use a grappling hook to destroy balloons). Even though Puzzle Fighter, which is due to be released on Xbox Live Arcade, is the highlight of this collection, the other 4 games aren’t shabby either. Puzzle games fit excellently on portable gaming systems, and this is no exception. Weather you’re a hardcore Capcom fan or a casual gamer, you can’t go wrong with this.

Powet Movie Review: Knocked Up

My review of Knocked Up
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Toys: Deluxe Barricade Review

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