BotCon 2011: KRE-O Transformers
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in BotCon, Events, News, Powet.TV Show, Toys on Jun.05, 2011
We talk about the new KRE-O Tranformers with brand manager Colleen Doody.
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by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in BotCon, Events, News, Powet.TV Show, Toys on Jun.05, 2011
We talk about the new KRE-O Tranformers with brand manager Colleen Doody.
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in BotCon, Events on Jun.05, 2011
aDam and SeanOrange run down the events of the first two days of the convention.
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Famicom Dojo Podcast, Podcasts on Jun.03, 2011
SeanOrange and Vinnk talk about the perils of interfacing 8-bit systems with current technology, how to cope with some of the technical challenges, and what alternatives exist for the modern gamer interested in the titles of the previous millennium.
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Podcast 03: Retro HD Gaming
Complete show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Famicom Dojo Podcast, Podcasts on May.27, 2011
Despite an infamous history of poor titles to overcome, TellTale Games has pulled Back to the Future out of the movie tie-in gaming doldrums to create a worthy addition to the mythos. SeanOrange and Vinnk talk about their experiences with all of the episodes released so far.
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Podcast 02: OUTATIME
Complete show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, Powet.TV Presents, Videos on May.21, 2011
If you’re seeing this, then either the world hasn’t ended, or you were left behind.
At least you’ll have Nintendo’s next console to keep you entertained!
Check out some idle speculation about what we’ll see at E3, but most what Nintendo needs to do to keep its fans happy:
What are your thoughts about Nintendo’s next system? Leave your comments below!
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Famicom Dojo Podcast, Podcasts on May.20, 2011
Sean’s bad experience trying to reauthorize downloadable content for his new Xbox 360 turns into a horrifying realization that modern downloadable games will not leave behind any artifacts for future generations. Is retro game collecting in trouble? Assuming we all survive the more literal apocalypse on 5/21/2011, that is…
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo 01: The DLC Apocalypse
Complete show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Keep Playing, Powet.TV Show on May.11, 2011
Another part in our KEEP PLAYING: Mass Effect 2 – Romance series!
Tali isn’t just the first non-romance character from ME1 to get the romance treatment in ME2, but her story takes us further into the lives of Quarians, and teases about what’s behind those masks. Do we ever find out? Read on!
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Articles, Powet Alphabet on Mar.20, 2011
Every major love in Clark Kent’s life has an alliterative “LL” name: Smallville-schoolboy-crush Lana Lang, army-brat-turned-sassy-and-sexy-metropolitan-reporter Lois Lane, and mermaid (MERMAID??) Lori Lemaris.
But let us not forget the enigmatic and powerful Lex Luthor.
Oh, come on, you can’t tell me that Lex doesn’t have a serious boy crush for Superman, why else hate him so much yet want to BE him at the same time?
Writers of many stripes have tried to answer that question since the character was introduced, but none have been quite as successful as John Byrne’s 1986 post-Crisis interpretation. Despite the many alterations since, this is the core of the character that has shone through.
That is why L is for Lex Luthor. Read on!
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