Yup, Wii U Still Uses Polypropylene DVD Cases With Full-Color Inserts
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, News on Aug.10, 2012

First pictures of official Wii U game box art are hitting the ‘net this week, and it’s… pretty much as expected! Rather reminiscent of the GameCube’s purple crescent, actually.
Oh, the days of the GameCube and their smaller cases and storage spots for memory cards — although I guess the smaller cases were only for Japan. No purple crescents here, but the box art was usually great, and almost never re-used outside of Japan. In the US (and elsewhere, I imagine), we had worse art, and standard-sized DVD cases even though the discs were tiny.
Even Xbox 360 has transparent radioactive-green plastic. (Seriously, nothing screams “fallout” or “secret of the ooze” like the 360!) Even the PS3, having gone Blu-Ray, uses shorter and thinner cases than the standard. Also, transparent.
Oh sure, packaging does not the game make, but since everyone’s falling all over themselves, let’s start discussing these things on their merits!
How about some transparent blue plastic at least? Please, Nintendo?
Alright, show of hands: who just throws away their cases and puts the games into a DVD booklet or sleeves? Or are we just past physical media now? Okay, I’ve decided! Enjoy this momentous occasion while it lasts, boys and girls, because by the next console cycle we’ll just be downloading the game data streams directly into our cerebral cortices.
I guess the real story here is that Nintendo fans should just be happy Assassin’s Creed is coming to Wii U.