News is already starting to trickle in from SDCC 2012. As booths start to be set up by various companies, people are snapping photos and posting them online. We’ve already gotten our very first look at Masters of the Universe Classics Granamyr, the largest figure to be released in 2012. We heard about the helmeted dragon first at last year’s convention, where the fan poll determined his coloration; Red as in the Filmation cartoon or Green as in the mini-comics. Clearly the Red vote has won out. He looks very well articulated, but it is not clear if the figure is rotocasted or not. He is going to be available in December and will be priced at approximately US$80.

[UPDATED – added video from Mattel with some of the Accessories from the Great Unrest Weapons Pack]

More photos after the jump along with the Great Unrest Weapons Pack!

The header image hails from, but the following images of Granamyr come from The Fwoosh. I’ve only included a few, so check out their site for more!


Also revealed was the Great Unrest Accessory Pack. (Pic below from

The biggest surprise here is that there are actually new weapons in here and not just repainted weapons from previously released figures. Among the highlights are the shield and fiery sword/whip that were removed from Draego-Man due to costs, the arm blaster from the MYP (200x) Man-At-Arms that can be used with Snake-Man-Arms, and the Horde staff that was supposed to come with Horde Prime. Finally, let us not overlook the fact that Keldor’s split swords from the MYP show have finally surfaced and will be included in this pack as well. Clawful, Teela and Carnivus weapons also get some love. Some very exciting items! We’ll be seeing these on in October for about US$18.

Here is a quick video from Mattel showing off a couple of the weapons.

Mattel also had this pretty great display diorama setup. Its based on one of the collection posters from the original line.

Thats about it from preview night for Masters of the Unviverse Classics. Stay tuned for more info as it is revealed!