SDCC 2011: Mattel’s Mattypalooza panel
by Crazy, filed in SDCC, Toys on Jul.31, 2011
This was the big one for a lot of those following at home. Mattel had some big announcements to make including Ghostbusters, Voltron, DC Universe and most especially Masters of the Universe (MOTU). ActionFigurePics actually got video of the whole presentation (seen above). I will not attempt to summarize in neat bullet point form the contents of the panel after the jump. Get ready because there were some big announcements!
DC Universe
Convention 3-packs (WonderCon, C2E2, NYCC, MattyCollector later in the year)
Goldface, Evil Star, Kyle Rayner
Killer Frost, Firestorm, Angle Man
Heatwave, The Flash, Mirror Master
Available in September 2011 on; 2 more 3-packs
Golden Age Flash, Golden Age Green Lantern, Golden Age Hawkman
Adam Strange, Animal Man, Star Man
Available in November 2011 on; 7-pack
Dr. Mid-Nite, The Creeper, Johnny Thunder, Thunderbolt, Gypsy, Crimson Avenger, Speedy

Image from AFI
DC Universe
Available in October 2011
Legion 12-pack
Includes Proty accessory and die-cast Legion Flight Ring.
Superboy, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Braniac 5, Chameleon Boy, Ultra Boy, Karate Kid, Wildfire, Matter Eater Lad, Timber Wolf, Colossal Boy

I guess they really weren’t kidding about ‘including’ Inivisible Boy. (Image from AFI)
Club Infinite Earths
DC Universe Subscription starting in April 2012
9 monthly figures (April – December)
3 quarterly oversized figures
1 oversized club exclusive figure
Figures shown include Atrocitus, Flash 1, Starman
Club exclusive figure will be decided by fan poll.
Choices are Shaggy Man, Rocket Red, Black Lantern Swamp Thing, Metron w/ Moebius Chair
Figure in sub will not be at retail, only on MattyCollector.

ActionFigureInsider sat down with the Mattel team to ask some questions and put to bed some misinterpreted information from the panel. That audio interview can be heard here.
WWE Legends coming exclusively to MattyCollector
November 21 – The Rockers (Day after survivor series ppv, lol)
6 Legends figure in 2012
January – Andre the Giant
Remaining 5 to be decided by fan vote from list consisting of:
Arn Anderson
Barry Windham
Demolition Crush
Diamond Dallas Page
Doink the Clown
Don Muraco
Jimmy Snuka
Junkyard Dog
Magnum TA
Million Dollar Man
Miss Elizabeth (hot!)
One Man Gang
Savio Vega
Tito Santana
Tully Blanchard
SDCC Exclusive Blazing Sword Voltron figure (22 points of articulation)
“Most posable Voltron ever made!” I hope thats not including the one coming in the Club Lion Force sub.
Club Lion Force 2012
All five lions
Will come with pilots in 3 3/4 inch scale
Combine to form 23 inch Voltron
Collect n Connect Blazing Sword (pieces come with pilots)
come with mouth blade accessory
Black Lion comes with Shield
can open for pilot to be seated
auto-transformation unlocked with keys that come with pilots
Pilots come with
2 heads (w/ helmet and w/o)
Piece for form Blazing Sword
Club Exclusive figure is Sven
Mattel showed off the Lions and pilots in a YouTube video seen here.
SDCC Exclusive Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man
2011 Club Ecto-1 remaining figures (6 inch figures)
2011 AUG – “Ready to Believe You” Egon w/ blue lab coat, 3 PKE meters, Library Ghost
2011 OCT – Slime Blower Ray Stantz w/ vest, cinema ghost
2011 DEC – Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldovia, w/ lenticular poster of painting, back panel feat. 4 GB w/ baby Oscar
Non Club items available on MattyCollector unless otherwise noted
2011 OCT – 12inch 2Pack Peter and Winston – proton pack, proton stream, slime blower, KUD Meter, Ghost trap, toaster, boombox
2011 OCT – Prop Replica Ghost Trap
Fall 2011 TRU Exclusive – Retro Action 2pack Janine and Samhain w/ accessories, slimer and 22 inch diorama of the fire house
2012 Club Ecto-1 (6 inch figures)
2012 JAN – “Ready to Believe You” Peter w/ camera and taxi cab ghost
2012 APR – Dana Barrett as Zuul comes with concrete bench and second set of legs so she can stand (not posable?)
2012 Club Exclusive figure – GB Game Rookie w/ proton pack, trap, pke meter

Images from AFI.
Masters of the Universe Classics
We were teased multiple times about the line up of the forthcoming MOTU Classics figures to be announced. We finally learned the real line up at the Mattypalooza panel:
MOTUC vs DC Universe
Battle Armor Faker vs Bizarro
She-Ra vs Supergirl
Zodac vs Green Lantern
2011 SEP – Leech (Club Eternia), Hurricane Hordak (Bonus)
2011 OCT – Icarius/Flipshot (Club Eternia), Wind Raider (Vehicle $40)
2011 NOV – Snout Spout w/ subscriber only stickers (Club Eternia), Battleground Evil-Lyn w/ 2 heads (Bonus), Bubble Power She-Ra, Swift Wind (Oversized Creature $30)
2011 DEC – Demo-Man w/ 3 heads (Club Eternia)
2012 JAN – Sorceress (Club Eternia), Star Sisters 3-pack (Oversized Troop Builder $60)
2012 FEB – Fisto w/ 2 heads and sword (Club Eternia)
2012 MAR – Kobra Khan w/ 2 heads (Club Eternia), Thunder Punch He-Man (Bonus)
2012 SUBSCRIPTION FIGURE – Shadow Weaver w/ Preternia Map
Special notes:
Hurricane Hordak’s attachments will be compatible with Roboto and Trapjaw.
Mattel lost the rights the name Flipshot to Nerf. Icarius is the new name for New Adventures Flipshot.
Battleground Evil-Lyn is essentially the 2002 version. The second head has white hair instead of the tiara/helmet.
Bubble Power She-Ra is the newly sculpted/articulated She-Ra made to ride Swiftwind better.
Mini-Comics will return in a 3-part arc. Each part will come with one of the first 3 quarterly bonus figures of 2012 (starting with Thunder Punch He-Man). Story will pick up where the originals left off. Funded by David Voss, VP of Design, in honor of anniversary. Still not enough funding internally for an ongoing comic.
Mattel has attained the Filmation rights. Still don’t have the movie rights.
There will now be 2 to 3 Filmation figures a year.
No plans for Mekanek or Ramman yet.
30th Anniversary Line
This line will consist of six figures and be separate from the subscription. It will feature six entirely new characters starting with Fearless Photog (the winning entry of a Mattel MOTU create a character contest in the 80’s).
The second figure will be a Four Horsemen creation called Draego-Man.
This third figure will be the winner of a brand new create-a-character contest and will ship in December of 2012.
A fourth figure will be designed by Geoff Johns, while the remaining two will be designed by Mattel internally. All the figures will be sculpted by the Four Horsemen.
30th Anniversary create-a-character contest rules and forms can be seen here.
The short and sweet version is from
Submit your concept for a new MOTUC character on an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper. Any drawing medium is acceptable, from crayons to computer graphics! The concept can be male or female, human or beast, good or evil, but it must be created from existing MOTUC body parts (called “bucks”). You can use bucks from any existing 6” figures, in any combination, to design a new 6” figure. Mix animals with humans with insects with beasts with robots—anything you like, in any combination, as long as the basic shape is a 6” figure comprised of existing bucks. Then, design new heads, capes, armors, weapons, boots, gloves, wings, or clothing and accessories to create a whole new character.
Winner will be announced SDCC 2012 and will receive 24 samples of the figure and be interviewed on A far cry from the scholarship promised in the contest held in the 80’s.
Finally at the end of the 2012, we’ll be getting Granamyr, the giant dragon. He’ll be $80 and his color will be the subject of this year’s fan poll. Red like the cartoon or green like the mini-comic.
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