Yeah, everyone is excited about Duke Nukem Forever finally coming out this summer, but until then, we got Serious Sam. Created by Croatian developers Croteam, Serious Sam is a throwback to the early days of the FPS genre, before complex AI, upgradable armor, fancy graphical tricks, or Hollywood-style movie plots. While this high definition remake employs a new graphics engine, it retains the same chaotic shooting action that’s just as fun now as it was back in 2002. As the title character, you travel back in time to stop the armies of the evil Mental. The First Encounter sees you in Egypt while the second takes you to Central America and Medieval Europe. You’ll encounter zany enemies such as headless suicide bombers (who are somehow able to scream) and skeleton horse creatures. If it had a 2D equivalent, it would be Smash T.V, as much of the game involves Sam shooting waves of enemies. Both the First and Second encounter are available in HD form for $20 each, so if you didn’t check out this game the first time, now is a good time to do so.