Big Lob makes his move to GI JOE Club!
by FakeTrout, filed in Toys on Nov.29, 2009
Big Lob, a character depicted in the infamous 1987 animated G.I. Joe: The Movie
, is finally arriving in action figure form. The crowd goes bananas!
He was a character that spoke in sports metaphors and gave play by plays of his every move. Big Lob was never intended to be a toy and was invented solely for use in the movie. His name has popped up a few times in comic stories since then, but his only meaningful appearance was as a new recruit in the war on Cobra-La.
The GIJOE Collector Club is offering its members the figure as a free perk, provided their membership remain active by March 16, 2010.
While there have been many advances in the design and technology of 3.75 inch figures in the past 20 years, I have to give credit for assembling Big Lob using vintage tooling. Yes, that belt line has a mighty O-Ring beneath it, meaning he’ll fit in with any other Rawhides you’ve got in your collection.