Mexican Independence Day 2: Mexican Independence Day Ever
In a recent interview with MTV, which is blocked in Canada because of a joint asshatery between MTV and the CRTC, director Roland Emmerich expressed interest in two sequels to the hit movie Independence Day with a tentative title “ID4-ever”.

Nearly immediately after hearing news of this I began early plans for a sequel to the hit film Mexican Independence Day, a Mexican language version of the film. After an initial creative meeting yesterday with Daniel Gardner, co-star (Adam Baldwin) and co-writer of Mexican Independence Day, a tentative title “Mexican Independence Day 2: Mexican Independence Day-Ever” has been decided upon. Of course this title should definitely be classified as “In Production” and any change to the real film can drastically change the plans for this one. We are still quite hopeful to get all of the original cast back for the sequel, though Cheese is pretty old, and cats only live so long.