Spocklar?  Sylock?  Something

Not exactly recent news, but for those not in the know: “Heroes” star Zachary Quinto, the man behind Sylar, has been cast as the new Spock in J.J. Abrams’ new Star Trek flick.

Sylar KentNow SciFi.com has a video interview with the man who would be a Vulcan, where he reveals he’s been working with Leonard Nimoy to understand the mind (and heart?) of this classic character.

He certainly looks the part, doesn’t he? Especially the nose. They did everything they could in Heroes to make him look like Clark Kent, juxtaposing his Sylar’s boogeyman nature. But forget all that; what about the fact that one of Hiro’s heroes is being portrayed by the big Heroes villain?

Do you like this choice? Who could possibly fill the Starfleet-issue boots of the other two “big” roles? Let us know what you think! I agree with Zac (our Zac, that is) that Gary Sinise would make a great Leonard McCoy.