Latino Review‘s El Mayimbe has scored a read of the 22 page treatment for the Gears Of War movie we heard about a while ago.

While its a treatment, not a full script and could be subject to many revisions, it sounds like an amazing companion to an amazing game. The game tossed you right into the most action-packed part of the story, with very little in game to go over the background of what happened before. This movie fleshes out Marcus and Dom’s military career before the game, and also shows off Emergence Day. We’ll also see Cole actually playing thrashball!

I realize making Halo into a movie might’ve been crazy. The male lead never shows his face, the female lead is a computer program. The story is there, the action is there, but its a huge leap for a studio to take. Gears on the other hand is a lot more cinematic than Halo, and has every right to be turned into a great war movie with some sci-fi action. What do you think? Are Marcus, Dom, Baird, and Cole destined to be the next great movie team? Who could even direct this monstrous movie? Leave a comment!