Transformers Movie
The latest Lying In The Gutters article (the popular comics-related rumor column that’s right far more often than not) has a little segment, all the way near the end, titled “ROBOTS IN DIS GUISE” where Rich Johnston has this to report:

“Transformers 2” is being prepped for 2009, as is a new cartoon series to spin off the upcoming movie.

The reason given to licensors as to why the robots look so different in the film is so that hardcore fans will stay loyal and keep buying the old toys, which they’re relaunching, even if they hate the new movie.

Licensing has explicitly stated that companies doing merchandising have to avoid doing anything too similar to the original Transformers line, so as not to mix the two separate and profitable properties.

That last comment is interesting, in that the Transformers Movie and original Transformers are being viewed as separate lines.

Also, gotta love the second statement about “hardcore fans.” Partly because of the businesslike flippancy, partly because of the accuracy.