man, this looks crappy.DC comics have traditionally done well when animated for the small screen. The universe established with Batman the Animated series which concluded in Justice League Unlimted this year is probably only surpassed by Star Trek for its amazing ability to take multiple series and tie them all together.

Live action has fared less well. George Reeves had a good run as Superman, and Adam West and Burt Ward certainly made TV history as Batman & Robin (even if the show was more parody than adaptation). But The Flash got one season out of CBS, Birds Of Prey was panned and canned, and Smallville seems to be losing steam in its 6th year.

Apparently someone more than a few years ago thought the Justice League would make a good show. The Movie Blog is hosting the pilot for this show, which you can download right now. You could download it, but I’d advise you not to. Its so bad. Guy Gardner and Barry Allen are roommates. Atom’s costume makes me laugh just looking at it. Martian Manhunter is the only one who doesn’t come off as completely terrible. The “big 3” are nowhere to be found. These are all things that were possible to fix with casting, writing or simple asthetic choices.

The thing they couldn’t fix is the visual effects, which are pretty good for 80s TV, but do a disservice to the characters because they’re so distractingly fake. Green Lantern’s ring powers form goofy umbrellas or helicopter blades. Atom fights a kitten in local news weather quality green-screen.

Anyway, yeah its bad. Horrible actually. I think I’m having an allergic reaction thinking about it.