
Okay, so this is no Halo killer, or even Doom 3 killer.  However, it’s unique storyline, cel-shaded graphics, and comic book styled presentation make this game stand out from other FPS games.  You play as agent XIII, a man without his memories who may have killed the president.  It’s your job to get to the bottom of the conspiracy going on.  You rely on a small arsenal of weapons (including a crossbow) as you battle terrorists and corrupt government agents to unravel the cover-up.  The cool part of this game are the interactive flashbacks which give you insight into the man and his mission.  Rapper Eve, Adam West (from the 60s Batman TV show) and David Duchovny all provide voice work.  This won’t make you toss out your copy of Halo or Half Life 2, but this is good enough to get your FPS fix until the next big shooter comes along.