Ever since Lucasfilm decided to post the The Phantom Menace trailer online 8 years ago, movie trailers have been a staple of the web surfers diet. With that in mind, we launch a regular columm showcasing movie trailers. We may not see all these movies, we probably won’t even like most we see, but trailers are a nice way to kill two and a half minutes.

First up, Fanboys. This also harkens back to the Episode One days, with a tale loosely based on the true geek plot to steal a print of the film.

Balls Of Fury stars Christopher Walken as a Ping Pong champion and criminal king pin.

The Simpsons Movie. The series itself has been getting progressively harder to watch over the years, and this movie looks no better. Perhaps if they’d brought in the genius writing of season 4, we might have something. Alas, Late Night with Conan O’Brien is more like how the Simpsons used to be than how they are today.

… and just for fun, Office Space: Recut