Marvel at the News Roundup
by Dru, filed in Comics on Oct.24, 2006
Marvel’s got a bunch of news that came out today – after a slow, slow, slow week – so here’s the roundup’s rundown:
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance finally ships this week. Just to remind us that it’s happening, here’s a slick new trailer for it! I’m looking forward to this game. And the trailer looks pretty good too.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Heroes Reborn nonsense and the Onslaught mess that spawned it, Marvel’s putting out a mini starting in November called “Onslaught Reborn.” In true celebratory fashion, it’ll be written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Rob Liefield, as they both played a large role in the original Heroes Reborn launch. Here’s the new trailer!
- And, just because Marvel trailers are all the rage today, here’s the one for the upcoming Guiding Light crossover. It made me laugh a lot. Probably wasn’t supposed to though.
There’s been a lot of photos shown online for the wedding scene on the roof for the Fantastic Four 2 movie. But the newest set of photos looks pretty interesting, largely because they show Jessica Alba stopping a helicopter with some sort of invisible powers! One of which is mirrored here.
Lastly, Rich Johnston confirms that Stuart Immonen is the new artist taking over on Ultimate Spider-Man, following Mark Bagley’s insane stint of 110 issues. Please note – none of those issues shipped late, he all too often shipped more than 12 issues in a year, and they all looked fantastic. Immonen, you’ve got big boots to fill.