Over the summer 70 seperate snippets of video were released to HansoExposed, threatening to reveal the intentions and history of the mysterious Alvar Hanso, the unseen catalyst for many of of the events on the TV series LOST.
Here is the complete video, dutifully reconstructed. I might mention the potential for story spoilers here, but since the intent was to give hardcore fans something to do in the nearly 5 months the show is off the air between the May finale and the October 4 return, I’ll bet you’ll watch it anyway.

hurleytoy.jpgSide note: Have a look at this adorable Hurley action figure that showed up on TNI this week. Actor Jorge Garcia had his face scanned so its a perfect likeness, and he’s holding up the flag from the golf course he made in the first season.

Too bad its a Mcfarlane figure and will likely crumble to peices if I purchased it. You can take a look at the entire first series, that includes first episode Jack, the Hatch playset, and bad-ass survivalist Locke. The most accurate toy of the bunch goes to Shannon since shes as worthless in plastic as she is on screen!