petermoore.jpgFormer Dreamcast and current Xbox 360 pitchman Peter Moore has a seat on the couch with various editors in this set of videos.
Part 1
part 2
If you’ve got 20 minutes, a broadband connection, and a hankerin’ to see what Moore has to say its worth watching. He doesn’t stay on message as much as the infamous EGM interview. If you don’t have the time, I’ll bulletpoint some of the important bits…

  • -Doesn’t regret the Japan launch, but wished DOA4 would’ve made it and they had more on arcade than just Hexic
    -Looks forward to Sony trying to ape Live’s success
    -Wants to point out the Core will be more important later in the lifespan as cost is an issue.
    -Shoe nails him with a voice echo issue being still prevalent on a brand new game like GRAW.
    -30% of the E3 booth with be Vista, and playable Gears of War, Too Human and Mass Effect will be available, along with the usual E3 Surprises.
    -Halo 3? Not yet! He won’t say they’ll have something to show at E3 but they’ll definitely show something “this year,” but its important for Microsoft to get away from being thought of as nothing without Halo. Can’t say I disagree there, greater depth on other games will make a bigger success.
    -Reaffirm’s their dedication to PC gaming with the Halo 2 Vista launch. A 2 year old game.
    -Want to bring Xbox Live (or something) to PC
    -Drank his Dreamcast launch wine on his birthday last week on accident. D’oh!