To add on to what’s below me, here’s another classic arcade compiliation from Midway, makers of the Mortal Kombat Series. Volume 2 is also available, and volume 3 will be out later this fall. This game pack has a lot of classic games from the 70s to the 80s including Joust, Defender, Klax, and paperboy. Xbox owners can post thier scores to the Xbox live leader boards. It also includes old advertisements and promotion material. So, if you are looking for an addition to your xbox collection on the cheap, or just want to show the kiddies what real games were like, pick this, as well as volume 2 up. For more retro fun, pick up Namco museum 50th anniversary comming next wee for all 3 major systems, and watch for upcomming compiliations from Tecmo and Taito later this year.