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StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm – Vengeance Trailer

A new trailer has been posted by Blizzard to ratchet up the anticipation for the second part of the StarCraft 2 trilogy.
I am very excited about this game and this trailer only adds to that.

Let us know in the comments what you think! Will you be picking it up when it comes out next month on March 12th?

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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm spawning more Overlords in March 2013

The date has been set. The second installment of Starcraft 2, Heart of the Swarm will be released on March 12, 2013. All you Terrans have until that time to complete Wings of Liberty before spoilers surround you like an oncoming zerg rush.

Speaking of spoilers, here is the introductory synopsis for the game from the Blizzard website:

You are Sarah Kerrigan, former Queen of Blades. Once the most feared entity in the galaxy, you now wait in a cell in the depths of a high-security research laboratory. Before the murderous forces of the Terran Dominion close in, you must plot your escape to the dark reaches of spaceā€¦ and reclaim your living empire at the Heart of the Swarm

And to further sweeten the sauce, here is a gorgeous trailer to salivate over!

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