TV’s Wonder Woman Costume, Logo, and Villain
by FakeTrout, filed in Comics, TV on Mar.18, 2011

The pilot episode for NBC’s Wonder Woman show is being filmed currently, and with it lots of official and unofficial news. Firstly is the logo for the show, snapped off the back of one of the chairs on set courtesy WonderWomanTV. This may be a temporary logo, and might not even be used in the show’s titles.
Now the costume….
First of all, I’m just going to say that Adrianne Palicki As Wonder Woman is ridiculously hot. Of course any attractive woman in a costume that tight with that much cleavage was going to be hot.
Is the costume accurate? Well its certainly nothing like what Lynda Carter wore, showing off less leg and a lot more shine. Seriously, is this made out of plastic? The pants aren’t a huge deal honestly, but they probably should’ve gone black instead of blue for the final version of the outfit. Likewise, red boots. In fact, the Jim Lee version of Wonder Woman would have worked great for a prime time show, leather jacket and all. But yeah, the costume hits all the basic notes of a Wonder Woman costume, including the tiara, the bracelets, and of course the bust.
Its about Smallville quality and easily more impressive than The Cape, though not quite as cool as Dina Meyer’s Batgirl from BoP. Its seriously bright, and if the tone of the show matches the outfit, then we might be headed for disaster. On the other hand, David E Kelley got NBC to pick up yet another super hero show after a string of disasters, so I hope there is something to this. And maybe when she’s not in a photography studio, the outfit won’t look so over-saturated.
As a bonus, we also have a look at Elizabeth Hurley as the show’s villain, who is yet unnamed. Also, since she’s just wearing normal clothes, we don’t have any leads. In fact, this could very well just be a photo of Elizabeth Hurley walking in LA. Photo from Superhero Hype!