DC Universe Coming to Xbox One….Wait WHAT!?
by William Talley, filed in Games, News on Jan.12, 2016

5 years ago, Sony Online Entertainment released the free-to-play MMORPG DC Universe Online on PC and PS3. It launched alongside the PS4 as well. Since then, SOE has changed its name to Daybreak Studios, and evidently broke off ties with Sony. To that end, they figured why not share the wealth and allow Xbox One players to get in on the comic book based action. For the uninitiated, DC Universe Online allows characters to create an original character, and join one of 6 major DC heroes and villains and tackle a series of quests all around the DC Universe. There is plenty enough content on its own, however players can spend extra dime on various add-ons such as expansions and new powersets. Also, PS4 players will be able to play alongside PC gamers, and the game will receive a new episode based on DC’s upcoming Legends of Tomorrow tv series. You can learn more about the upcoming features as the game celebrates its 5-year anniversary here.