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Entries Tagged ‘Crystal Dynamics’:

Square-Enix and Marvel Team Up for The Avengers Project.

Yesterday, both Square-Enix and Marvel Entertainment hinted that they would both have big announcements to make. Many people wondered that since both announcements were happening on the same day and at the same time, they would be related to each other, like say, Marvel Characters appearing in Kingdom Hearts 3. Well, this morning the two companies did have an announcement. While it was not quite The Avengers teaming up with Sora (although we probably shouldn’t rule that out), what we do have is just as awesome. Marvel is teaming up with Square-Enix and Developers Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider) and Eidos Montreal (Deux Ex) for The Avengers Project, a series of games which will supposedly introduce a new Marvel Universe in gaming. Obviously little has been revealed about the first game and its gameplay, and it will be a while before we learn any more, as according to Square, we’ll hear more details in 2018.

Looks like Marvel really is getting serious about its console gaming presence again, and a colloboration with Square-Enix has the potential to be huge. While the long wait is a drag, we’ll have Telltale’s Guardians of teh Galaxy Game, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, and Insomniac’s PS4 Spider-man title (assume it comes out this year) to tide us over until then.

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Remakes vs. Reboots

Famicom Dojo Podcast 85: Remakes Vs Reboots

Sometimes a game gets a second life on a new platform or console, typically with upgraded graphics, additional sound effects and/or voices, and additional Internet-enabled features only a Millennial could love. Sometimes a familiar name is slapped onto an entirely new game that
seeks to upend the status quo for the franchise and provide a clean slate — usually with a new developer, and sometimes a new publisher —
to begin totally anew. Sean and Vinnk compare video game remakes to reboots, decide which games deserved them, and which actually got them, and which ones they ended up playing and liking anyway.

iTunes Chicklet

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