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The Powet Top 5 – Top 5 TMNT look-a-likes in the Four Horsemen’s 7th Kingdom

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

I know that when I write these articles that they tend to get on pretty niche topics. This time around I think I have outdone myself on niche-ness. If you were born any time after 1975, you should know of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their wonderful initial toy line from Playmates in the early 90’s. If you collect toys, you should absolutely know of the Four Horsemen. You should also have heard of the Four Horsemen’s FANtastic Exclusive endeavor and the property it spawned, The Seventh Kingdom. In today’s article, we are going to draw some parallels between the properties. Read on after the jump to learn more!

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The Powet Top 5 – Botcon Exclusive sets

I have been attending Transformers conventions for over a decade now. I not only own all of the convention exclusive sets offered over that time, I have experienced the convention and its prevailing atmosphere each year. I wanted to make a list of the five best Botcon exclusive sets, not just based on the toys, but on much more than that. Innovation. Character Selection. Overall theme. Fan Demand. I made this list with all of these things in mind to bring forth the most cohesive and synergistic sets to date. Have a look through each of my selections and let us know what you think in the comments.

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Powet Top 5: Top 5 Reasons Why It’s Cool to Be a Gamer Right Now

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Okay ya’ll, gather around, it’s time for a pep rally!

As I said two weeks ago, there is plenty that is wrong with video gaming. However, as I also stated, there are plenty of good things about the gaming scene. For one, technology is more advanced than ever before, and two, there are plenty of examples showing that video games can be a form of art and literature. Number three, developers are breaking new ground when it comes to graphics, gameplay, and storytelling, weather it’s triple A mainstream titles or independently developed games. This week’s top 5 shows why I’m happy and blessed to be a gamer, and why you should be too. Again, not everyone will agree with me.
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The Powet Top 5 – Most Difficult Video Games

Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Game Over Screen - Do you choose to abandon the way of the ninja?

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Difficulty in a video game is a tough thing. Make it too easy, and there’s no challenge to it. Make it too hard, and if the player gives up on the game, it’s failed them. You pretty much want to make a game as hard as possible, so long as the player likes the game enough to push through and triumph, ultimately feeling satisfied for their win. This list is about games that, for better or for worse, are just too damned hard. There’s always a certain amount of shame associated with admitting that you find a game too hard, but I have no shame in saying that I am not able to beat any of the games on this list, and if you’ve been able to conquer any of them yourself I’d love to hear about it.

I’m sure you’ve all got your own games which make you so angry you could whip a gamepad at the wall, so feel free to leave a comment with your own list. With that, here are my 5 most difficult video games.

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Powet Top 5: Top 5 Issues in Gaming that Need to be Addressed

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Aiight, gather around folks, we need to talk.

Lets be clear now. Video Games aren’t dead or dying. They aren’t on life support or in the intensive care unit either. They aren’t even out with a broken arm, pulled hamstring, or 3-day flu. Nope, video games are just fine. Yeah I know how everyone loves the classics, but now is a good time to be involved with this hobby. We got high quality games like Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed, and Deus EX being released on a regular basis, a thriving independent scene, and developers stretching the limits of what’s possible in video games. With that said, there are at least 5 big issues that video gaming could use less of. Some of these are on the part of publishers, others on the part of developers, and still others are even on the gaming community itself. Many of you will agree, many of you will not.
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The Powet Top 5 – Disney Princesses

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Disney Princesses Cinderella, Rapunzel and Ariel

When children think of princesses, they think of beautiful dresses, long lovely hair, and all the other great things that we expect from a Disney movie. They don’t think of Kate Middleton or some other modern relic from a political system that has survived progress through some foolish commitment to tradition. Simply put, children these days get their idea of what a princess is from TV and movies, and no one shows them princesses better than Disney.

Queens are old, evil, bitter people, but princesses are the pretty young heroins who fall in love with their prince. Is this a sexist portrayal? The level of focus grouped appeal to a young girl’s sensibilities seems to ignore all but the desire for commercial success as Disney Princess can describe both a character and marketing strategy. The Disney Princesses get a bad wrap, one I think is undeserved, as I believe them to be good role models for girls and will attempt to illustrate this.

With that here are my 5 favourite Disney Princesses. Feel free to chime in with your own.

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Powet Top 5 – Worst Lines in Video Games

There have been some famous utterances in the history of media. Famous lines such as “Yippie-Ki-Yay, Motherf**ker” and “Hasta La Vista, Baby” have been immortalized in our brains since first hearing them, and find themselves worthy of repeating upon anointed occasions. Video games are no exception, what with many games being dialogue-heavy, and thus producing a myriad of memorable lines.

However, not all dialogue is the stuff of writing gold. Indeed, for every fantastic line, there tends to be at least one line that’s so cheesy or utterly out-of-place that it defies logic to even include it in the game and makes us ponder how the game’s writers ever thought they were geniuses upon adding it. Alot of these truly awful lines are so bad, that they actually come full circle, and become immortalized even more than if they were an awesome line.

Thus, we have my Top 5 Worst Lines in Video Games, in no particular order since they’re all equally and awesomely bad.
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The Powet Top 5 – Most Disturbing TMNT figures

When Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hit the toy shelves in 1989, Playmates made a name for themselves with fun and creative figures, the likes of which we had not seen since Masters of the Universe peaked three years earlier. While MOTU, in a way, tried to take itself seriously, TMNT felt no such obligation. As a result, the toy line ranged from the hilarious to the grotesque. Today, we will take a look at the top 5 most disturbing figures from that era of the line.

We will focus on the figures released between 1989 and 1993, at which point Playmates relegated the line mostly to variations of the four turtles, Bebop, Rocksteady and Shredder.

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