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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Sindra

First Look at a New Voltron Movie?

Back a long while ago, I had posted about a live-action Voltron movie supposedly in the works, though it’s been many years since mention has been made of the issue since.

Looks like there’s still hope, though. has some exclusive photos of the new movie up on their site.

It appears that Atlas Entertainment has taken the reins on the project and is gearing up a pretty impressive pitch. Apparently, they’ve hired the currently hot screenwriting
tag-team of Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer. The names may not sound familiar to you, but they might soon. The duo wrote the upcoming CONAN flick, and are currently scribing the DR. STRANGE and UNCHARTED: DRAKE’S FORTUNE adaptations

Color this Voltron fan excited.

KEEP PLAYING: Rewind – Demon’s Crest

A day late but not quite a dollar short with Demon’s Crest for the SNES.

At least he doesn’t have a wench to chase after.

Show Notes after the cut!
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Powet Alphabet: D is for Daria

So back in the day, MTV actually had a decent helping of good programming to its name, in tandem with the music component it has since lost. In the 1990’s, you had shows such as Beavis and Butthead (I didn’t say they were intellectually-stimulating, mind you), which showcased the network’s mindset of pushing the envelope with mindless entertainment for it’s core audience – teen and 20-something men.

But then the balance came out in the form of Daria in 1997. Daria Morgandorffer started as a side character on Beavis and Butthead to serve as a foil for the two brainless teen boys. MTV execs approached the series story editor with the idea of creating a spin-off series starting Daria. The Go-ahead was given, and in March of 1997, the first of 13 episodes aired for the new series and an animated legacy was born. Sorta.
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KEEP PLAYING: Rewind – Chiller

Youtube seems to hate me, but that won’t stop me from getting the newest episode of KP to you all!

E3 Konami – New Silent Hill, Never Dead, and…Castlevania?

e3.jpgSo if you’ve been paying any kind of attention to our E3 topic in the forums, you know there’s a lot of shyte flying around at this year’s E3. Today was Konami’s press conference, of which I was particularly interested in due to the BLOW OUT that was last year’s huge Konami reveal. (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, if you were taking up residence under a rock)
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Powet Alphabet: V is for Video Game Movies

super-mario-bros-movieSince the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Media is great in the many different streams and tributaries its developed over the past decades. First came movies and television, then the music industry started taking hold. Computers came much later, and when those started becoming more common, video games started making the scene. So the entertainment industry saw all of this, and thought “Why haven’t we combined any of these media aspects together? The result has to be twice as good as either of the original parts!” Surely, musicals combined the ancient medium of theater, and later movies, and combined them with the constant melody of music. The music industry got a huge boost when it realized it could combine songs with mini-movies, and thus music videos were born and thrived. (at least until reality TV came about and usurped it) After the video game industry started making its big push into the mainstream in the early 90’s, the film industry took notice and asked itself the previous question: “A mix of the two can only lead to great things!”

(ye be warned…..)
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KEEP PLAYING: Rewind – Sonic Spinball

Following up Crazy’s earlier post about Sonic 4, we’ve got some throwback goodness for Sonic fans with Sonic Spinball!

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May is Zombie Awareness Month

null In relation to my most recent Keep Playing: Rewind vid, and in case the rest of you weren’t aware, May is “Zombie Awareness Month”. To represent, gray ribbons are to be worn to “signify the undead shadows that lurk behind our modern light of day“.

Learn more about Zombie Awareness Month at the Zombie Research Society. And always keep your eyes open and shotgun handy.

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