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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Powet Monthly Digest – May 2010

The month of May saw Iron Man 2, the Halo Reach Beta, and news that Michael Bay was dropping Megan Fox but picking up TMNT.

We also released a ton of text features this month in addition to four new videos and two new podcasts! Time to catch up with what you missed!
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Gary Coleman 1968-2010

Gary Coleman, rest in peace.

Source: Washington Post Obituary

Michael Bay To Produce Next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie

Michael Bay may be knee deep in directing the third act of the live action Transformers, but his production company Platinum Dunes is moving forward with the reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Platinum Dunes thus far has stuck to horror remakes of Friday The 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and the recent Nightmare On Elm Street.

Nickelodeon bought TMNT for $60 Million last year
, and they’ve been eager to get a new series on the air and a new movie in theaters. A script for a new TMNT movie by John Fusco has been bouncing around Hollywood for a year or so, but it will be scrapped for a fresh look at the team.

Platnium Dunes has been pretty hit or miss (mostly miss) with the horror remakes, but delving into the all-ages world of TMNT could be very profitable. Its obvious Nickelodeon wants to capitalize on Bay’s huge Transformers franchise.

What do you think? Would you like to see a lower budget but action packed new live action TMNT?

Source: Deadline

Batman: Under The Red Hood Trailer

Batman_under_the_red_hoodBatman: Under The Red Hood is the latest DC comic adaptation going direct to DVD. This will be based directly on the Batman: Under the Hood story by Judd Winick.
As with previous DC animated movies, they’ve sidestepped the voice cast of the 90s animated series in favor of some outside talent. Bruce Greenwood is Batman with Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing and Jensen Ackles as Robin. Villains include John DiMaggio as The Joker, Jason Isaacs as Ra’s al Ghul, and Wade Williams as Black Mask.
The trailer seems to play up this animated as being as close to the last live action Batman movie as possible. It comes out on July 27, so we’ve got about 2 months to go. Its available for pre-order now.

Megan Fox Not in Transformers 3!

nomeganfoxOK, so I hated Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. I promised myself I couldn’t get excited for a third in the series unless some major changes were made.

Director Michael Bay and his producers and writers seem to be on the right path. In recent weeks, respectable actors John Malkovich and Frances Mcdormand have been cast, and cult favorites Alan Tudyk and Ken Jeong will also appear. Bay said the the annoying Twins would not be back, though we have seen cars that might be them on set. Shia Labeouf then publicly apologized for Revenge of the Fallen being terrible. Things seem like they’re on the right track.

Now came word that Michael Bay has axed the shimmering orange piece of ass Megan Fox from Transformers 3. They’re looking for a replacement love interest now, and they’ll no doubt replace Fox with another shimmering orange piece of ass. I mean, look at Transformers 2 when they introduced a new love interest: Not exactly high class.

Still, I can hope and dream I that I can be a Transformers fan again without the most prominent feature being an embarrassment.

Peter Cullen Returns To Transformers Prime

2008_cullenTransformers Prime, the new series scheduled to debut this October, will feature the return of Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime.

Cullen voiced the original Optimus Prime among other roles in the 1984-1988 Original “G1” Transformers series. Fan demand led to his return to the role in 2007 for Michael Bay’s “Transformers” live action movie and its sequel in 2009. He’s also expected in the third live Transformers movie in 2011.

Transformers Prime will be on a new network “The Hub” which will launch in place of Discovery Kids. Since Hasbro will co-own the network, they’ll be limited on the amount of advertising they can do within government restrictions: Transformers ads cannot appear during Transformers shows, but can run during other shows like GIJOE. Classic Transformers shows will run on the network in addition to the new show.

Early reports indicate the series will be CG animation and take several design cues from the live action movies. Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, who scripted both theatrical Transformers as well as last year’s Star Trek revival will act at show runners for Transformers Prime.

[source: AdAge]

Cool Beans: Halo Reach & Retrospective

halobeans In this special Cool Beans episode of the Powetcast we chart the Halo series from when none of us were playing to when all of us can’t get enough!

Join Zac, Zero, aDam, and Sean as we reflect on the drama, joy, and pain of Halo’s story and online multiplayer. Jetpack optional.

Direct Link: Cool Beans: Halo Reach & Retrospective

Audio Netcast Details
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Mark Ronson’s “Circuit Breaker” is a Link To The Past

Did you like that terrible game referencing play on words? You’ll like this music video for “Circuit Breaker” from the forthcoming Mark Ronson album “Record Collection”

I have his last record “Version” and it’s pretty good without the game references. But adding a game reference means I can post his music here without it being out of place, so enjoy!

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