Is Marvel vs Capcom 4 Going to Be Announced at Playstation Experience?
by William Talley, filed in Articles, Comics, Events, Games, News on Nov.27, 2016
The following image this past weekend appeared at NEOGaf Forums:

According to the rumor, Marvel vs Capcom 4 is in the works for 2017 and could be announced at next weekend’s Playstation expereince. Before you get too excited however, neither Marvel nor Capcom has said anything on it (besides this denial from producer Ryoto Nitsuma). Also, The fighters generation points out every reason why this could be fake, as does this video from Maximilian Dood:
Now even if this is fake, MVC 4 is not an impossibility. If you recall from Disney’s cancellation of Infinity earlier this year, Disney is no longer self-publishing games, so it’s subdivisions, including Marvel, can work out individual deals for its properties. We also know that Marvel was looking to reestablish itself in console gaming, and they know that Marvel vs Capcom 4 is one of the most requested titles, right after Ultimate Alliance 3. Still, we can only wait and see what happens ad the Playstation Experience, so until then, take this article, and any other MVC4 related info with a grain of salt.