Justin Talks Xbox One With Adam Sessler on downLOADED
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, News on May.30, 2013
The Poweteer so nice, they’ve asked him on twice, Justin Severson (@_js) shares his thoughts about the Xbox One with regular downLOADED host and Revision3 CEO Jim Louderback
If you missed Justin’s maiden voyage on the good ship downLOADED, you can see it here. Or, if you’re more of a Bob Suicide fan, you can also check out her second appearance on downLOADED below.
Alternatively, if 30 minutes wasn’t enough, you can hear Justin talk some more about Xbox One where he joins Zac Shipley (@ZacShipley) and SeanOrange (@SeanOrange) on this week’s Famicom Dojo Podcast!