WWE 13 Updated Creative Suite, DLC, and Universe 3.0 Details
by William Talley, filed in Games on Oct.08, 2012
Looks like THQ is going all out for this year’s WWE 13. If you’ve seen any news on the game, you already know that the game will feature storylines and characters from the “Attitude Era” in place of the series’ Road to Wrestlemania mode, along with ‘dramatic moments’ such as ring collapses, and barricade breaks. However, the creative suite features will also make a return, and the Universe Mode had been upgraded as well. Check out the trailer up above and see more details after the jump.
Universe 3.0
As you can see from the trailer up above, THQ enlisted none other than WWE on-air personality and former ECW head booker Paul Heyman to script storylines for the game’s expanded Universe 3.0 mode. Introduced in Smackdown vs Raw 2011, Universe mode had players fighting randomly generated matches as it tracked stats and storylines, creating a progression similar to WWE tv. The new upgraded mode will allow you even more control over WWE than ever. Players can adjust the roster and match cards any way they wish, and they can even choose from branching path to influence the storyline’s direction. Universe 3.0 was easily my favorite mode in WWE 12 and SVR 2011, and the improvements here will make it even bigger and more time consuming.
Creative Suite
The Create-a-Superstar, Create-a-Storyline, and Create-a-Ring features will return as well. Although they don’t see a major overhaul, THQ has made a bunch of smaller tweaks and additions. For instance, Xbox 360 and PS3 players will have access to the same amount of layers in CAS, while custom content will no longer have to be uploaded before it can be used online. THQ has also been working on their servers, and hopefully Community Creations and online matches will be improved. Last year’s create a ring will be updated as well, and now players can edit the stage of their custom arena. More details at IGN.
DLC Plans
THQ Will release 3 packs of DLC for WWE 13. Pack one, available when the game launches will feature Attitude Era Superstars such as Rikishi, Soctty Too Hottie, and Gangrel. It will also enable you to unlock all the game’s hidden features as well. Packs two and three (launching December and January respectively) will feature current superstars such as AJ Lee, Ryback, Damien Sandow, and the USOs. Pack two will also feature championship belts from WWE, WCW, ECW, and AWA while pack three features a set of moves for your created superstars, along with Brian Pillman and Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk). You can pre-pay for all of it via Fan Axess and receive Goldust and Diamond Dallas Page. More details are available here. Of course, if you pre-order the game, you get Iron Mike Tyson as a playable character.
Between Halo 4, NBA 2K13, and WWE 13, it looks like I’m gonna pretty busy come November. I’d Better schedule some days off and vote early!