Onslaught revealed in Wave 1 of Universe Classics
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Dec.28, 2007

The Transformers Club website revealed the cover to the January issue of the Collector’s Club newsletter featuring the upcoming Universe (Classics 2.0) Onslaught. They also go on to say that five figures will be revealed inside the publication most likely including Onslaught. The publication should make it into club members’ hands soon revealing these promised figures.

Also announced, Nightbeat will be joining the Seacons as the next member exclusive figures available for purchase only to club members.
From the site:
December 2007 – We are pleased to announce that our next Club Exclusive, along with the previously announced SEACONS, is none other than NIGHTBEAT, the galaxy’s most reliable detective! Both the Seacons and Nightbeat are scheduled for a Spring 2008 release. For a quick sneak peak at our all-new exclusives, available for purchase to all club members, be sure to check out the latest issue of the Transformers Collectors’ Club Magazine!
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