There is no possible way to set these up and have them make sense.

This second one is even better. Starts out slower, but leads up to great action.

On screen text translation

Hearing that somewhere on Korean Peninsula
Halo 3 is hidden,
Master Chief is rapidly deployed
A fierce battle surrounding Halo
Is about to begin
Halo 3 – Stop Fighting
Oh – So it’s that bastard
Gimme Halo! AAAHHHAA!
Hehehe – Stop laughing, I’m tired too.
Oh that Dino-Bastard!
Take that! Die!
Holy crap! The $8000 costume!
– Microsoft Korea –
The repair fee… gets taken off your pay!
The shocked Master Chief
Goes down a path of destruction
Hey! Woo-hoo!
What did you get fired too?
Since I’m already like this, might as well…