Spider-Man 3 News Roundup
by Dru, filed in Movies on Mar.30, 2007
Remember that recently released “final” trailer? Well, turns out it wasn’t so final after all. Less than a week later, they’ve released a new international trailer. It’s mostly recycled footage from previous stuff, but there’s a couple brief villain-centric scenes that haven’t been shown before. Check it out, in all its Windows Media Player streaming glory, in flavors hi-res, med-res, and lo-lo-lo-res. This is great, because what we really need right now is four hundred trailers for the film. Splice them together, and you almost won’t have to go to the movie.
Keep on after the jump for new wide images, Venom design notes, and why China gets the movie before North America. (Huh. So much for my trailer-splicing plan – looks like Chinese bootlegs will be the way to go.)
FilmIck.com delivers again on the Spidey images, which we’ve mirrored below.

Go to the Spider-Man Movie Blog to see one of the illustrators explain (and do some pencil drawings of) Venom’s design. Worth watching, if for no other reason than to see the guy casually applying his pencil to what looks like a finished drawing, adding slight details here and there. It’s very Bob Ross-like, except small and on your computer.
Also, SuperHeroHype came across a couple articles worth quoting –
The Hollywood Reporter: “Spider-Man 3” will premiere in China on May 3, the day before it opens in North America, China’s top overseas film import official said Thursday. The move is designed to secure a strong opening at the boxoffice before pirated copies have a chance to flood the market.
So does this mean that we’ll be getting bootleg copies of a China release, instead of the other way around? Has up now become down? Is breakfast now dinner? Me Bizarro am confused.
(Actually, because of the time difference, it’s pretty much a same-day release. It’s just more fun to think of it this way.)
USAToday: The city’s American Museum of Natural History is installing a spider exhibit shortly before the film opens. New York’s Botanical Garden will host workshops on baby spider plants. The Children’s Museum of Manhattan will honor the villain Green Goblin with a display of the original Goblin outfit and a mask-making workshop. The Central Park Zoo will host a Spider-Man scavenger hunt and a “Bugmania” show.
Unless there’s radioactivite spiders involved, those spider exibits are really only tangentially related to the film, aren’t they? But, one of these exhibits is not like the others… Kudos to the Children’s Museum – Teaching kids how to be more like Green Goblin? This is … well, to be honest, it actually sounds pretty cool. I’d go to that.