Superman doesn’t Return, joins Justice League instead
by FakeTrout, filed in Comics, Movies on Mar.20, 2007
Superman Returns, love it or leave it, did make a pretty big splash and made more than enough money for a sequel. Many were already pencilling in “Man Of Steel” for 2009. Now, reports now that this movie may be scrapped to put Brandon Routh in the Justice League.
Lending some credence to this rumor is the fact that director Bryan Singer is moving forward with a World War II Era thriller with “Usual Suspects” writing Chris Macquarrie, which will film this fall, pushing any start date for Superman well into 2008.
Variety forced a comment out of Warners today, but it wasn’t much except that Singer is still attached to direct and they’ll do it after his other movie.
I’m of two minds of this. Firstly, I don’t know if its such a good idea to jumpstar the JLA movie by sacrificing a Superman sequel… but on the other hand, Returns didn’t do that good and who’s to say theres even money on the table for another movie? Superman getting the League started could do great, especially if they league consists of heroes that don’t have their own movie deals (I doubt Christopher Nolan’s Batman
would work in a JLA movie).