FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Round 2 results
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Oct.11, 2006
The second round of voting for the Four Horsemen‘s FANtastic Exclusive 2007 has ended. This round determined the actual character from the property chosen in the first round. The first round determined the fans wanted to continue with the 7th Kingdom property. By a landslide vote, the winner for the second round of voting was another representative from the animal kingdom, the Elephant Swordsman, beating out the distantly tied Elemental Warlord and my favorite the human Queen.

The Four Horsemen also passed word along that last year’s exclusive Xetheus and his minotaur soldiers have arrived at 4H’s offices. That means we’ll be seeing them in the mail very soon. I was fortunate enough to get a full set, except for the recently added Royal Guardsman. You can be sure that an episode of PowetToys will feature these figures.

The third round of voting will be starting very soon and will determine the scale height of the figure along with the amount of articulation it will feature.