$20 game of the week: Mercenaries (PS2, Xbox)
by William Talley, filed in $20 Game Of The Week, Games on Jul.11, 2006
The surprising success of this hit from last year (as well as the failures of 25 to Life, FInal Fight Streetwise, and many others) proves that not everyone who plays Grand Theft Auto plays it for the sex and violence, but for the way it implements it’s open world design.� Pick one of three mercenaries, each of which with thier own special talents, and blaze across North Korea in an attenpt to dethrone a dictator, capture the deck of 52, stop a nuclear strike, and get paid beaucoup dollars while doing it.� You take missions from 4 different factions, playing each side and staying on good terms with them to gain special advantages.� The Russian Mafia for instance, gives you access to the “Merchant of menace” website where you can purchase weapons, vehicles, and anything else you need in your missions.� The main draw of this game is the ability to blow up pretty much anything standing.� You are also free to go about the missions however you choose.� Pandemic, this game’s developer is also behind another solid open world sandbox game, “Destroy all Humans”.� A sequel is also on the way, for PS3 and hopefully Xbox 360.