Star Trek returns with JJ Abrams
by FakeTrout, filed in Movies on Apr.24, 2006
Alias and Lost creator and Mission Impossible 3 director JJ Abrams has been offically handed the reigns of Star Trek’s 11th feature film outing.
The story involves a young Kirk and Spock in Starfleet Academy. So its a prequel?
I’ll give them the befit of the doubt here, but my biggest gripes about the series following The Next Generation is taking all the action out of Federation space to the outskirts, way outside, and then into the past. Its like, we lost contact with this big universe TNG took so much care to create and only got further away the longer it went on. This movie hardly fixes that but the character credentials are all there so I won’t damn this outright. Lets hope JJ aborted Superman script is a fluke.