Katie HolmesAfter watching the awesomely amazing Batman Begins I was completely under the impression that Katie Holmes‘s character Rachel Dawes would not be returning in the next movie. Not for contractual reasons or anything like, that but rather simply because they seemed to insinuate that her relationship with Bruce as we had known it was not possible anymore, and that she was moving on with her life without him. For more on this see the last 5 minutes of Batman Begins.

Well as various sources are reporting Katie Holmes was offered 2 million dollars to reprise the role and turned it down, presumably to star in an intellectually devoid comedy starring Queen Latifa, and on top of that the studio is still looking to cast someone else as the character as Rachel Dawes.

Katie Holmes and Tom CruiseIt’s nearly impossible to tell where fact starts and speculation begins in all this. The fact that Katie was offered 2 million to star in the Batman Begins sequel Dark Knight, and turned the role down due to “scheduling conflicts” seems all we can be sure of. The question of whether her doing this retarded Queen Latifa movie is the source of her conflict could be mainly speculation as could the talk of there still being a desire to cast someone else as Rachel Dawes instead of simply working around the charcter not being in the film, as there is no reason for a sequel not to be able to work if she weren’t returning.

I personally feel that Katie Holmes gets a bad rap for being pretty and having starred in some unforgiveably bad and unwatcheable things and that she delivered a very solid performance in Batman Begins. I also feel that Katie is totally hot and has a great rack. If Katie is unable to be in the movie I still have faith in the rest of the cast and crew to make a great film as the first movie was quite superb for reasons beyond Katie Holmes and her pretty nipples.

That being said I don’t feel Batman is a character who necessitates a love interest in his stories. The way Batman Begins dealt with Bruce’s relationship with Rachel worked really well as it demonstrated the character’s innability to have a normal relationship with a woman. While it’s understandable that a movie which has a romantic element is more marketeable and more appealing from a movie studio standard I think the way Batman’s leading ladies went, especially in the later two of the last bunch of Batman movies, was completely innapropriate.

Also Batman’s gay for Alfred.

Batman is gay

For more on Batman Begins check out my Batman Begins HD DVD review.

Thanks to Rene for the heads up.