o3ds.jpgThe Onimusha series was rumored to have started off as an N64 Resident Evil game with samurai instead of Zombies. Obviously it managed to make a life of its own on the PS2 (along with the enhanced Xbox version of the original). Around the time of this release, there were 2 prior games, a Game Boy Advance strategy spin off, and a Smash Brothers-esque PS2 spin-off. A sequel was released last year which is also garnering critical acclaim.

In what was supposed to be the end of the series, Samanosuke is on his way to defeat the demon lord Nobunaga Oda once in for all. However, a time warp sweeps him into present day France, where the Genma are attacking the populace. Help arrives though, in the form of Jacques Braun, a special agent modled after famous French actor Jean Reno. However, soon he is swept back into time as well, and both must work across time in order to set things right.

Onimusha 3 did a few rather daring things with its old formula. For one, it’s the first game in the series to use fully 3-d polygonial environments. Also, the game takes place in two seperate time periods: feudal Japan and modern day France. Traveling back and forth between the two is key in solving some of the game’s puzzles. The upgradable weapons return, as well as secret unlockable modes that will keep you playing after the game is complete.

The music and the story help propel this game forward, and the opening cinematic is one of the best ever seen on the PS2. Even though Capcom decided to continue the Onimusha saga, if this had been the last game in the seires, this would have been an excellent ending.