deception3.jpgTecmo’s Deception series is one of those games that refuses to be piegonholed into a single category. Is it an action game? Is it an RPG? Is it a puzzle game? It is varied enough to compete in any genre. This is the third installment of the series. Instead of killing enemies with swords and magic, you use specalized traps that you set up before entering the level. You can even create new ones between levels by combining certain objects found during the game. This new game tells the story of a girl abducted alongside her adopted family on her birthday, and forced to use her newfound powers to survive and gain revenge on the king and queen responsible for her predictament. It’s funny as hell to watch a body fly through the air after stepping on a catapult. There is a sequel of sorts out called “Trapt” on PS2. Although this is a pipe dream, a next-gen installment of the serie making use of Havok physics and realistic gore effects would be awesome. Until then, pic this up and satisfy that inner sadist in you.