MarvelPoking around the Newsarama forums, I came across a thread that revealed this image from a recent issue of Wizard, featuring the cast of C.B. Cebulski and Karl Moline’s upcoming Loners book:

The Loners

From left to right, the characters are:

  • Penance (former member of Generation X, insanely convoluted backstory)
  • Darkhawk (awesome!)
  • unknown (speculation suggests she’s a legacy character for the Silver Samurai, but nothing confirmed at all)
  • Turbo (formerly of The New Warriors)
  • Ricochet (formerly of The Slingers, a group that used suits and identities that Spider-Man briefly used when he was accused of murder… ah, the 90’s)
  • Phil Urich (former good Green Goblin, now retired)
  • Julie Power (formerly of Power Pack)
  • and some sort of Spider-Girl (appearance matches May Parker in Spider-Girl, but it’s more likely Mattie Franklin – though I also staked her out for Omega Flight… maybe Arachne is the one on Flight?)

Marvel’s really repopulating the Marvel U with its female spider ladies, isn’t it? Ridiculous. Maybe they’re throwing them all against the wall to see what sticks. Anyway, Wizard has an old article on this, where they’re showing some concept art. Here they are, mirrored for your enjoyment:

The Loners Concept Art The Loners Concept Art The Loners Concept Art The Loners Concept Art The Loners Concept Art
Turbo Seems to be Silhouette, the new Scorpion, and Jubilee The UNKNOWN GIRL Some more Turbo Looks like Turbo mask concept sketches